Stained Glass Copper Foil Process Workshop
taught by artist Matthew Fischer
Saturday November 20th 2021

Participants in this workshop will be introduced to the basic processes and tools for working with art glass, or stained glass, using the copper foil method and lead solder. Participants will learn how to score and break different types of glass, then learn to grind the edges, clean and finally copper foil and burnish each piece of glass. Participants will then learn how to use lead solder, flux and a soldering iron to “tin” and attach pieces together. A small flat abstract panel project will be used to learn the introductory techniques, students will then be free to try 3D processes or experimental designs of their choice, templates will not be provided. Matthew will use the morning session to introduce the processes and tools. The afternoon session will be used for open studio work time, Matthew will be available for assistance while he works on a 3D piece. Unique to this workshop is Matthew’s creative approach to stained glass fabrication. Unlike rigid traditional techniques which follow a set design, his process is one of gradation, individual cut glass pieces are added incrementally, hence the work is in a constant state of play and flux. This workshop is held in conjunction with his solo show at Hudson House, “Offertorium”.

Class is from 9:00 to 4:00 with an hour break for lunch. Space is limited to 8 participants. 

Sliding Scale $135 - $250 all materials provided
