Red Herrings for the Category Spell
July 2 - July 31, 2022 Curated by Drew Gillespie (of the art and performance collective Bobo)

Karen Azoulay | Homer Flynn | Joey Frank | Casimir Ernest Gasser | Lucia Love | Raphael Lyon | Orion Martin | Damon Packard | Kira Scerbin | Tristan Schipa | Jasper Spicero | Dena Yago

How can one remain fluid and avoid information classification?

Once a concept is modeled and categorized into a system, these relations and schemas rewire the brain, and it's very hard to undo them. It’s nearly impossible for the mind to unlabel, uncategorize, and unsystematize (to break up the associations inside a taxonomy). Semantic models are often persuasive. This is why I liken this process of categorization to casting a spell. What is lost and what is gained when a spell is cast and you adopt a belief in a model or system that subdivides a more fluid existence? How does one defy this categorization? I am interested in the artist’s relation to the voice inside their own head telling them to avoid such category structures.

The work by artists in this show is work that I believe is able to outwit the modelers and circumvent categorization. These artists demonstrate their own blend of sorcery: a gut directness in communication while retaining a potent mystery.

Text by Drew Gillespie